Data Centres
August 8th, 2013
Data Centres
Over the last 20 years the attention on Data Centers as the beating heart of industry has grown at an exponential rate. With the emergence of Virtualization, Cloud Computing and Social Media the need for efficiently powered and cooled, high capacity facilities has further increased the focus on excellence in the design of these business critical environments.
WIT have been designing physical layer systems in Data Centers for large corporations for many years and have a clear understanding of the processes required to go from conceptualization to a realized, operational space. We now have a complete capability set incorporating Power, Cooling and Physical Security systems design. WIT Consulting are also conversant in immersion cooling technology, which is breaking ground in the field of extreme cooling.
Our Consultants will work with you to understand your current IT real estate and also to develop your IT strategy for the future.
Contact us for a free consultation.